Donate, Contribute or Volunteer.
Addiction Treatment in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Ways To Support Our Mission
Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization & donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please see the list below on our many different ways to donate to our mission.
Please consider partnering with us. You can write a check to Samaritan’s Hand, Inc or simply click on the donate button provided to make a one time or recurring donations.
How To Donate
One-Time Donation
Make a 1x gift of any size & you will not be charged again unless you choose to donate at a later date.
Monthly Donation
Make a monthly donation of the amount you choose & each month the donation will be deducted from your account.
Donate while you Shop
Let your online shopping help us!! Simply Choose Amazonsmile, make your selections & we get paid from your shopping! chose “Samaritans Hand Inc” as your charity of choice & for every qualifying purchase made, Amazon donates 0.5% of your qualifying purchase to our mission.
Why Support
Why choose this mission? Substance abuse is not a pretty or pleasant thing to think about. At times it can be downright scary & we wonder why we would invest in the lives of those we don’t know. Addictions to drugs & alcohol may not be a personal struggle for you, but maybe it has impacted your coworker or family member. There may be a time in your life where a drug related crime or an intoxicated driver crosses your path. The list can go on, but make no mistake, somehow you have or will be impacted by drug & alcohol abuse.
We invite you to put a face on a person struggling with addiction. They are someone’s loved one. Someone raised them, loves them & knows the addiction is mighty & it knows no bounds. Its overwhelming & lonely, but now let us invite you to picture your coworker or loved one in pain. While their suffering is obvious, think about where they go for help? Who do they talk to if they are struggling? Wouldn’t it be great to share Samaritan’s Hand with them & know that your donation is impacting someone’s life? Invest in a life. Care about a soul who lost in addiction. Give them hope. You can consider your donation a LIFE GIVING INVESTMENT!
Additional ways to support Samaritan's Hand
Irrevocable Planned Giving Methods
Through trust planning donors can transfer cash or ownership of property to Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. in exchange for tax deductions. While establishing these methods takes more time and cost, the resulting benefits are great for both the donor and Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. These methods can be established during life or through the donor’s estate plan, providing security for family members and favored charities.
Retirement Plan Assets
Designating Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. in your retirement plan assets, is an easy, low cost, tax efficient way to make a significant difference to the ministry of Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. Tax-deferred assets like a traditional IRA, 401(k) or 403 (b) retirement plans can be a smart way to make charitable gifts from because of how they are taxed.
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Thrivent Benefit Members can take advantage of this charitable grant program and benefit of membership by directing Choice Dollars to organizations they are passionate about. Choice Dollars are based on annual premiums and total contract value of qualifying products.
Thrivent Action Teams
Thrivent Benefit Members can apply to lead an Action Team in a one-time fundraiser, service activity or educational event. Think about an unmet need and how you could help! We use YOUR Action Team contribution to further our mission of helping our community by helping those who are battling addictions. Contact us to find out current Action Team qualifying needs that could benefit Samaritan’s Hand, Inc.
Host a Fundraiser/Event
Corporations or churches looking to host a fundraiser or event for Samaritan’s Hand Inc. may donate the proceeds to our mission.
Employee Matching
Does your company or employer match your charitable giving? This doubles the impact of your gift to Samaritan’s Hand so remember to submit your giving for those matching dollars!
Wills & Estates (or Memorials & endowments)
Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. can be named in wills, estate planning or as the recipient of memorial funds. This is a great way to continue to make an impact after you are gone and set others up for a lifetime of sobriety and success.
Sponsor an Event
Be a sponsor for our annual gala or other events that we have through the year! Call our office for more details.
Our 12th Annual Gala Set-up Team

How to Volunteer
While one on one contact with our clients is typically unlikely, we do have other ways we encourage you to help us!
Events are an exciting way to invest in the mission and there are many different ways you can be involved! Whether you’re a planner or a doer, our Annual Gala has many facets to it! We are always looking for more individuals to join this team & keep it exciting & fresh! The team has fun together & not only is it a successful night in raising funds, but we get to hear the testimonies of the clients that have come through our doors.
Not a party planner? We usually host a brat fry & bake sale through out the year, so we are always looking for people to grill, set up/take down, bake & sell for the event!
Hang with our office staff & help them with the quarterly newsletter, Christmas cards, donation drives, gala invites & other office needs that pop up. While this is not a task that is always in need, we would love to have you on our call list when the opportunity arises.
Cleaning is always a need, so if this is your cup of tea, please let us know!
Baking for the meetings & bible studies because our crew LOVES to eat!! You can be on a rotating schedule or a one time deal, but please let us know when you’d like to bake & we will reserve the spot for you! There are never leftovers the next day, so your labor will be put to good use!!
Yardwork or small maintenance~ please call with inquiries as due to seasonal, these things can change.
If you would like to be considered for a position on our board of directors, please download here, or call for that specific application.
If you are interested in becoming a Samaritan’s Hand volunteer, please download our application & mail it in or call 920-254-6922 & have one mailed to you. All volunteers will be screened & we reserve the right to refuse.
Volunteer Testimony
During that time I have been blessed beyond description as I see God so active and real for our Samaritan's Hand "family." Most acknowledge that God has brought them where no other program has been able to bring then in their past.
I am so fortunate to see how God works in so many lives, solely because I said yes to serving when initially asked. It's is a pleasure serving so many quality individuals."